Saga Review: Transformers

Despite what many might say, Transformers has not had the best of histories in terms of reception, even if you go right back to their humble beginnings. Did you know that Hasbro bought the toys from Japanese toy company Takara Tomy, from lines called Diaclone and Microman toys, and that by 1985 these lines were…

Review: Gone Girl

A twisting thriller with fantastic performances from the two leads, reminds a lot of old thrillers from the late eighties and early nineties. Isn’t marriage wonderful…! … Nick and Amy are happily married and live together as writers. He is a simple but handsome and likeable soul while she is pragmatic, beautiful and slightly aloof….

Review: White House Down

Probably one of blockbuster-director Roland Emmerich’s better movies over the last ten years or more, White House Down ticks all the boxes as a solid action film. John Cale (Channing Tatum) is a man out to prove himself to his wife and emotionally distant daughter by signing up to become one of the US President’s…

Review: Olympus has Fallen

Well I had always intended to watch this… but now that I have I have discovered some awful not-supposed-to-be-funny ‘Murica trite. When a terrorist attack on the American White House ends with the President and his aids taken hostage and the House turned into a fortress, only an ex-Secret Service agent (who was retired due…

Review: Edge of Tomorrow (2D)

Tom Cruise continues to show us he isn’t getting old by strapping on a gun-totting exoskeleton to blast some aliens. But luckily for him his co-star is excellent and the film’s implementation is entertaining. In our very near future aliens arrive via meteor shower. Before long the entirety of greater Europe has been reduced to…

Review: How to Train your Dragon 2 (3D)

Four years in the making and this sequel does what few ever manage; soaring as high as its predecessor! Life on the island of Berk has improved since Hiccup proved to the viking people that the native dragons could be friends, even pets. We see Hiccup’s impression on the village with everyone using gadgets and…

Review: How to Train your Dragon

2010 was a tough, tough year to rate films; so many excellent films, it remains the most memorable year for me. Inception won out, but even with Tron Legacy and Toy Story 3, How to Train your Dragon came a very, very tight second behind Christopher Nolan’s mind-warping thriller. Even now… I question that choice:…

Review: Maleficent (2D)

Is there any better example of missing the point than this? Maleficent: “I am the Queen of All Evil” – Sleeping Beauty 1959. Now, Maleficent is a Paragon of True Love. When the realm of fairies and the world of humans fall into war, Maleficent, one of the most powerful of fairies, strives to protect her…

Review: Sleeping Beauty

Possibly the definition of style-over-substance, I can barely explain why I love this film above all other Disney films… It almost ditches everything narrative to provide one of the greatest villains of all time. For me the film is hardwired: I love it. The story is as simple as they come. When Princess Aurora is…

Review: Pain and Gain

You actually have to remind yourself this is a Michael Bay movie. Mark Wahlberg is Daniel Lugo, a bodybuilder and fitness trainer who, inspired by little more than movies, brings together two equally dimwitted friends in a bid to attain his American Dream. How? By kidnapping a man and stealing all of his money. But…