Saga Review: Transformers

Despite what many might say, Transformers has not had the best of histories in terms of reception, even if you go right back to their humble beginnings. Did you know that Hasbro bought the toys from Japanese toy company Takara Tomy, from lines called Diaclone and Microman toys, and that by 1985 these lines were…

Saga Review: X-Men (2000 – 2016)

I love my X-Men movies, but it shouldn’t be any surprise to Cinema Cocoa readers that I did not follow the comics… in fact these films were all I knew about them! Let’s not waste any more time, we have six films to go through! X-Men (2000) You know what worries me the most about…

Remake Rumble Review: Godzilla

It is ironic that people today moan about action movies having ten, twenty minutes of solid action and destruction; little do they realise that films have been doing this for decades! This is something of a Remake Rumble as well as a saga review. The original Gojira, an American release of the same film Godzilla:…

Saga Review: Spider-Man

I love movies. Comics I’ve never given time to, and as far as Spider-man is concerned you’ll have to forgive some of my ignorance; I’ve heard a lot of theories and followed lots of arguments about why Spider-man needed a reboot or about why the reboot ruined everything. I can only give you my opinion,…

Trilogy Review: RoboCop

Dead or alive, you’re coming with me. I never really watched RoboCop when I was younger, I was more on the Terminator side of things back then, but I had the big action figure, it was awesome. I even had the first film’s poster on my wall. Now there is a remake coming out… sadly….

Saga Review: Riddick

Before The Fast and the Furious came along, Vin Diesel played an iconic part in a little known science fiction thriller Pitch Black. Asides from a bit-part in Spielberg’s Saving Private Ryan and voice work in The Iron Giant, this film projected Diesel into the mainstream as it gained cult status and following. What happened…

Saga Review: Superman

I am not the biggest Superman fan… I find him as a character to be extremely limited in terms of creative story writing and he is hard for your general audience to relate to. The stories are often about Superman, but they are angled more towards how secondary characters interact with him. Plot-wise, the films…

Saga Review: Star Trek

Set phasers to kill, this saga review is the biggest yet (a record not likely to be broken for a while!) with all eleven current Star Trek films! While I am not a raging Trekkie, I certainly know a fair amount about the universe; I never watched the 60s Original Series (and I still haven’t,…

Saga Review: The Fast and the Furious

Oh dear, what have I got myself into now? So, The Fast and the Furious was a niche film that really hit the culture of street racing on the head; it had average-to-good character driven elements and excellent stunt and vehicle work for a single film. So naturally Hollywood had to milk it to the…

Saga Review: Die Hard

For me the Die Hard series began with the third film, Die Hard with a Vengeance, mostly because I was eleven when it came out, then television showed it later with a censored cut. It would be a little while before the first two would be brought to my attention! So what can you say…