Best and Worst films of 2015

At last, we are here again with everyone’s top ten favourite and least favourite films of the year, so its time for my own! Now I should say right now, this is my personal opinion (as are most of my individual reviews!) and I certainly get the most flak around this time of year! But…

Best and Worst Films of 2013!

So another year bites the dust, and I get to compile my annual list for 2013! Same rules apply as always (and please feel free to look back at previous years!) I don’t only watch films in the theatres, I also watch DVDs and include them. Of course, only films I’ve never seen before! (I…

The Best and Worst Films of 2012

2011 had its fair share of total duds in terms of films, but 2012 has reset the balance with a spectacle of impressive movies! There were a lot from my favourite genres and several returning and recurring franchises that I have enjoyed, so I want to stress how tight the top fifty or so films really…