Review: Mad Max – Fury Road (3D)

A one hundred and twenty minute adrenaline shot; absolute carnage in the desert and all shot with awesome grungy, violent and most importantly, physical, action. Immortan Joe, a tyrant of a blasted and wasted desert after Earth suffers a nuclear apocalypse, controls all supply of water for his downtrodden citizens. He also holds sway over…

Review: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2D)

It is very stupid, very loud and with a pacing that never slows down, but as dispensable as it truly is it still feels like what a Turtles movie is. I enjoyed it. News reporter April O’Neil suspects there are vigilantes in New York City that are fighting back against the notorious terrorist cell known…

Review: Godzilla (2014)

I didn’t like my first attempt at reviewing Gareth Edwards’ Godzilla, it was too much of a rant for my tastes, so I took the time to watch the film again. It really has been 2014’s most divisive film yet and I wanted to be sure of my original opinion (You can’t say I’m not…

Remake Rumble Review: Godzilla

It is ironic that people today moan about action movies having ten, twenty minutes of solid action and destruction; little do they realise that films have been doing this for decades! This is something of a Remake Rumble as well as a saga review. The original Gojira, an American release of the same film Godzilla:…

Saga Review: Spider-Man

I love movies. Comics I’ve never given time to, and as far as Spider-man is concerned you’ll have to forgive some of my ignorance; I’ve heard a lot of theories and followed lots of arguments about why Spider-man needed a reboot or about why the reboot ruined everything. I can only give you my opinion,…

Review: RoboCop (2014)

Oh, Hollywood… please stop doing this. Alex Murphy, police officer of Detroit, is fatally injured in a car bomb explosion and is remade as a cybernetic law enforcement robot. The company who made him, OMNICORP, create military robots to battle in the Middle East, but cannot bring such faceless enforcement into American cities without causing…

Saga Review: Superman

I am not the biggest Superman fan… I find him as a character to be extremely limited in terms of creative story writing and he is hard for your general audience to relate to. The stories are often about Superman, but they are angled more towards how secondary characters interact with him. Plot-wise, the films…

Saga Review: Star Trek

Set phasers to kill, this saga review is the biggest yet (a record not likely to be broken for a while!) with all eleven current Star Trek films! While I am not a raging Trekkie, I certainly know a fair amount about the universe; I never watched the 60s Original Series (and I still haven’t,…