Review: The Last Duel

Two French squires, comrades in arms, feud and eventually come to blows in a battle to the death. Set in medieval, 14th century France, Ridley Scott’s recent directorial effort The Last Duel became a topic of hot debate in 2021. So much so, one could be reluctant to even watch the movie and critique it…

Review: Encanto

The Disney magic is very much back in Encanto! A young girl has to face the reality that she is the only member of the family who has no magical powers. But when a vision brings her portents of doom to their enchanted home and abilities, will she be completely ostracized? It is irritating that…

Films of 2021

With the start of this year being as difficult as last year, I think everyone saw some hope when Autumn came around. Cinemas reopened, restrictions under lockdown were tentatively lifted, and we got to see some movies again in the place they should be seen: the big screen. With the UK getting hit hard by…

Video Games of 2021

It is this time of year again! 2021 wasn’t quite the bright new dawn expected after 2020, with the persistent danger of Covid-19 variant “Omicron” this winter. So while I might have caught a couple more films this year in the cinema, I’ve been reluctant to see as many as I originally planned to. With…

Review: Ghostbusters – Afterlife

A love letter of the highest magnitude on the P.K.E meter. Phoebe and Trevor are two teenage siblings torn away from their family home as their single-parent Callie falls further into debt. Their only option is to hold up in the abandoned farmhouse of Callie’s late father. But in the unfamiliar surroundings, Phoebe’s curiosity leads…

Review: Dune

Finally arriving on the big screen, Dune is worth the wait. But there are some irritations. Tens of thousands of years into the future, a prince begins trials of the mind, body, and spirit as his family embark on a task of governing a rare resource that allows for interstellar travel. But as they do,…

Review: Black Widow

A Marvel movie saddled with a lot to do, a pandemic, and time jumps. Yet it came out entertaining enough. Set before the events of the Avengers taking on the universal threat of Thanos, and just after she found herself on the run having sided with Steve Rogers, Natasha finds herself tangled in a plot…

Review: Mortal Kombat (2021)

Blowing the dust off my review writing abilities… Who’d have thought Cinema Cocoa would come back with a review of the Mortal Kombat remake, of all things? Two realms, Earthrealm and Savagerealm, also known as Outworld, are in a perpetual battle for dominance in a violent tournament called Mortal Kombat. The Outworld inhabitants need only…