Review: Men in Black – International

By all rights, it is a good concept. But while style and flare are still present, meaningful characters and humour are thin on the ground. Molly, after witnessing the MIB and an alien as a child, spent two decades looking for the agency to become one of them. Now she’s made it, she finds herself…

Review: A Quiet Place

A very unique and smartly-crafted monster movie. Something not often found these days. The world has been terrorized by nameless creatures that can kill instantly, are virtually invulnerable, and have an incredible capacity for hearing. After the world is ravaged, a family of five struggle to survive in the wilderness, living almost entirely soundless lives….

Review: The Great Wall

Yimou Zhang, stop doing collaborations with America, right now. When two European bandits stumble across China’s greatest defensive achievement, The Great Wall, while looking for “black powder”, they discover a terrible and world-ending secret. Well this was pretty dumb. I think the film drops the ball almost immediately with two small points. We open with…

Review: Independence Day

How can a movie be so silly, exciting, emotive, hearty and stupid all at the same time? Independence Day is surely the lightning that director Roland Emmerich has been forever trying to rekindle. In 1996, July 2nd, aliens arrived on Earth with only one goal in mind: total annihilation. It is up to a scientist-turn…

Review: The World’s End

The World’s End is a sad way to end Edgar Wright’s “Cornetto Trilogy”, precious few memorable moments and a lot of repetitive action filling the time. Six men are reunited by the nostalgia infused rantings of a drunken man-child named Gary King and set on an epic pub crawl in their old town from twenty…

Review: Edge of Tomorrow (2D)

Tom Cruise continues to show us he isn’t getting old by strapping on a gun-totting exoskeleton to blast some aliens. But luckily for him his co-star is excellent and the film’s implementation is entertaining. In our very near future aliens arrive via meteor shower. Before long the entirety of greater Europe has been reduced to…

Saga Review: Riddick

Before The Fast and the Furious came along, Vin Diesel played an iconic part in a little known science fiction thriller Pitch Black. Asides from a bit-part in Spielberg’s Saving Private Ryan and voice work in The Iron Giant, this film projected Diesel into the mainstream as it gained cult status and following. What happened…

Review: Battleship

Battleship? More like a Sub… …with ham and cheese! Am I right? Following the success of the Transformers film franchise, Hasbro runs its finger down the index of toy licenses they own and inexplicably land on the Battleship board game. The film follows a young man drafted into the Navy in a bid to get…

Saga Review: Alien

The Alien franchise has to be one of my favourites, and I am always excited to have an excuse to rewatch them all, and what better excuse than a new film to be added to the series! Yes, I am off to see Ridley Scott’s Prometheus shortly, and so I have made a Saga Review of…