Review: Mortal Engines

I’ve seen so many overblown, overpriced franchise movies this year that have disappointed me, it is nice to watch something entirely new for once. Set in a post-apocalyptic Earth, where civilisation was almost completely destroyed and the shape of the world was forever changed by a cataclysmic event. Settlements now battle for what little resources…

Review: Aftermath (2012)

Well that was depressing. The wars in the middle east trigger a nuclear catastrophe, and survivors find themselves trapped in a basement in Texas after their country was hit by multiple nuclear strikes. Recommended by a fan of Cinema Cocoa, I had zero expectations and no knowledge of the film. Limited release in 2012, the…

Saga Review: X-Men (2000 – 2016)

I love my X-Men movies, but it shouldn’t be any surprise to Cinema Cocoa readers that I did not follow the comics… in fact these films were all I knew about them! Let’s not waste any more time, we have six films to go through! X-Men (2000) You know what worries me the most about…