Review: Black Widow

A Marvel movie saddled with a lot to do, a pandemic, and time jumps. Yet it came out entertaining enough. Set before the events of the Avengers taking on the universal threat of Thanos, and just after she found herself on the run having sided with Steve Rogers, Natasha finds herself tangled in a plot…

Review: Captain America – Civil War

Captain America 3 is more like Avengers 2.5, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe becomes truly a running narrative because of it… Steve Rogers, leading the Avengers, continues to cause chaos across the world in a noble cause to stop terrorism, but powers that be have had enough. Spearheaded by Tony Stark, a new initiative is…

Review: Avengers – Age of Ultron (2D)

Conquering heroes The Avengers return in their second outing as an ensemble cast. This time they must defend Humanity against a peacekeeping AI developed by Tony Stark after it goes rogue. Is it wrong to say anything negative about a Marvel property these days? *Cinema Cocoa brings up the blast shields* Okay so it is…