Review: Patchwork

A silly, over the top monster movie with a modern twist. A love letter to 80s and early 90s horror. Jennifer is a businesswoman with no friends and a crashing social life, but one night she is knocked out by a mysterious assailant only to wake up again as some Frankenstein’s Monster construct of body…

Review: The Autopsy of Jane Doe

Squeamish about surgery or morgues? Probably want to stay away from this devilishly detailed horror. When small town police find a house filled with murder victims and one strangely preserved corpse half buried in the basement, they have the mysterious body sent to the local morgue and crematorium. There, a father and son team of…

Review: The Void

I’ve seen some $#!t… When a police officer stumbles across a drug addict by the road and takes him to the nearby hospital, he quickly finds himself and a handful of others quickly under siege by mysterious hooded figures. But what’s worse is the strangers appear to be preventing them from escaping… as an inhuman terror…

Review: Tetsuo – The Iron Man

So people have asked me, what do I find disgusting or horrific in horror films? You know by now that I roll my eyes at the Saw series, and positively chuckled through Hostel, and for the most part nothing has freaked me out as much as old films and television shows I watched when I…