Review: Rye Lane

An entertaining little British comedy. Set in London, the film follows Yas and Dom who, after an awkward but fateful meeting in unisex toilets, go on a soul-searching wander through town, trying to reconcile their histories with ex lovers. Feature film debut by director Raine Allen-Miller, Rye Lane features small screen actors David Jonsson and…

Review: Kingsman – Secret Service

Matthew Vaughn continues his comic book adaptations after Kick Ass and X-Men: First Classwith this bloodied, tongue-in-cheek British spy action movie. A smart British youth who has found himself in hard times after the death of his father, but when an agent of a secret organisation requests he join the service he, and the other…

Review: The Sweeney

Something about crime drama set in Britain just irks me. Adapted from the 1970s television show of the same name, The Sweeney follows two of the more unconventional police officers in Britain, whose lack of regard for authority has them running out of allies while hunting down a devious criminal. The film is a classic…