Review: Oppenheimer

Don’t ask director Christopher Nolan how a car works. You will get an answer, but it will probably be elaborate and overcomplicated. As Nazi Germany invades Poland, the United States turn to any solution to end the war. They turn to a theoretical physicist named Robert Oppenheimer, and so begins a secret arms race to…

Review: Dunkirk (2017)

You think you know war films? Think again. Nolan’s Dunkirk is probably one of the most ambitiously edited, unique and tense war films ever made. One of the most disastrous moments in World War Two sees Allied forces from Britain, Belgium and France trapped against the French coast and the constricting frontline of Nazi invasion…

Review: Interstellar (2D)

Interstellar‘s beauty is skin deep: at its best it is inspiring and gorgeous to look at; at its worst it can be cliched and paradoxically lacking in explanation. Planet Earth is dying. The land is turning into a dustbowl and little to no life or vegetation can survive the dust storms that ravage the surface….

Saga Review: Superman

I am not the biggest Superman fan… I find him as a character to be extremely limited in terms of creative story writing and he is hard for your general audience to relate to. The stories are often about Superman, but they are angled more towards how secondary characters interact with him. Plot-wise, the films…

Saga Review: Batman

Possibly one of the most iconic, well received and respected “superheroes” created, Batman’s success is thanks to the relatively down-to-Earth nature of the character, a billionaire with a taste for vengeance, with training and a lot of gadgets.It is the villains that broaden Batman’s scope, and are always the most interesting and mesmerising elements in any story….