Review: The Blair Witch Project

The youth of today can very easily dismiss and forget how influential this film really was. Three friends go into haunted woods to create a documentary about the old tale of The Blair Witch, but when they never returned only the footage remains of their last moments. This is that footage. Or so the film…

Review: The Visit

Director M. Night Shyamalan funded this small and unique film himself to regain “creative control”. Honestly, it isn’t half bad! To help their mother cope with a divorce and have fun with her life, two siblings go to spend a week living with their grandparents, the daughter attempting to film their experience to give their…

Review: Paranormal Activity 4

“All the activity has led to this”? Well that’s just unfortunate really. Following the events of Paranormal Activity 2 and after Katie and young Hunter disappeared, we follow another family, their daughter Alex, her boyfriend and her younger brother Wyatt. You guessed it, paranormal activity starts happening around their house, around the same time a…

Review: Paranormal Activity 3

The best scares were the movie’s characters pulling pranks on one another. With Paranormal Activity 2 following the events of the first film, it is only logical in the studio’s mind to crank out a prequel for the third part. We see Katie from the first film as a child, and witness the start of…

Review: The Devil Inside

This has to be the worst “found footage” “horrors” I’ve seen since the deplorable Quarantine. A daughter travels to Rome to meet her mother who has been held in custody by the Vatican after murdering three people during an exorcism twenty years previous. Discovering the Vatican has no interest in helping or even acknowledging the…

Review: Troll Hunter

An entertaining found footage film from Norway with only a handful of odd inconsistencies letting itself down. In the same year that Monsters was released (a terrible, terrible movie) there was a little known monster movie released from Norway. Troll Hunter follows a group of three student film-makers who investigate a series of bear shootings,…