Review: Mortal Engines

I’ve seen so many overblown, overpriced franchise movies this year that have disappointed me, it is nice to watch something entirely new for once. Set in a post-apocalyptic Earth, where civilisation was almost completely destroyed and the shape of the world was forever changed by a cataclysmic event. Settlements now battle for what little resources…

Review: Hacksaw Ridge

Something of a cliched war movie, but it has a great focal point in Andrew Garfield. Based on the true story of Desmond Doss, an American army medic sent to Japan in World War 2, who takes part in the siege of Hacksaw Ridge and would become one of the most decorated soldiers for bravery…

Review: Captain America – The First Avenger

With The Avengers looming and audiences as accepting as they’ll ever be, Marvel saves the most questionable iconic hero for last, yet succeed with a wonderful sense of self awareness. Next to Thor, Captain America is another Marvel hero I have trouble with… I mean we are talking about a superhero who’s defining feature is the…