Review: It – Chapter 2

A slightly repetitive story structure does not inhibit an entertaining time! The kids from Derry, Maine, have left the town and grown up to have lives of their own. But Mike, who remained in Derry, contacts them all twenty-seven years after their traumatic experiences, and tells them to come home. The clown Pennywise has returned,…

Review: X-Men – Dark Phoenix

The first major superhero franchise disappears with a whimper. The new group of X-Men, led by Charles Xavier, have a new danger in their midst; after a rescue mission in space Jean Grey’s powers become fused with an alien power source. With uncontrolled powers, Jean is isolated from everyone, and a mysterious third party reveals…

Review: Atomic Blonde

I was prepared for style over substance, but even the style was lacking here. Set in 1989 Berlin, days before the Berlin Wall would be torn down, signalling the end of the Cold War, Lorraine is a covert operative sent by the British to obtain a piece of sensitive information that has had other agents…

Review: Split

Director M. Night Shyamalan has had a lot of disgrace in the past, but Split was a decent movie! James McAvoy plays a man with a multiple-personality disorder who kidnaps three young girls for unknown reasons. The girls, while fighting for their freedom, discover their captor has twenty-three distinct personalities inside him. This film, by…

Saga Review: X-Men (2000 – 2016)

I love my X-Men movies, but it shouldn’t be any surprise to Cinema Cocoa readers that I did not follow the comics… in fact these films were all I knew about them! Let’s not waste any more time, we have six films to go through! X-Men (2000) You know what worries me the most about…

Review: Filth

“Sick, twisted, demented, bizarre” are some of the words used to describe Filth in its sledgehammer trailer, and it certainly indulges itself in all manner of things, but I would say I was surprised at its equally compelling lead character. Based off the novel by Irvine Welsh (Trainspotting) Filth is set in Scotland during the…