Review: X-Men – Dark Phoenix

The first major superhero franchise disappears with a whimper. The new group of X-Men, led by Charles Xavier, have a new danger in their midst; after a rescue mission in space Jean Grey’s powers become fused with an alien power source. With uncontrolled powers, Jean is isolated from everyone, and a mysterious third party reveals…

Review: mother!

An incredibly traumatising and dark dive into multiple facets of human nature. She is a resourceful wife set about rebuilding her husband’s old house after it was devastated in a fire. The house holds significance with him, a muse to his poetic and creative writing that he has had much success with. But while she…

Review: Passengers

Star power alone can’t push this slow moving spaceship. An ark of five thousand stasis-sleeping passengers, on a trip to a new planet to call home, suffers from damage to its systems, waking two people while there’s still ninety years of travel remaining. They find the task of getting to know each other complicated with saving…

Review: The Hunger Games – Mockingjay (2D)

So The Hunger Games follows the lead of Harry Potter and – its own spiritual nemesis – Twilght, and splits its final chapter in half. The result… is not surprising. After the events of the trilogy’s second act, Catching Fire, Katniss wakes up surrounded by new allies with dubious motives. She desperately wants to rescue…

Saga Review: X-Men (2000 – 2016)

I love my X-Men movies, but it shouldn’t be any surprise to Cinema Cocoa readers that I did not follow the comics… in fact these films were all I knew about them! Let’s not waste any more time, we have six films to go through! X-Men (2000) You know what worries me the most about…

Review: The Hunger Games – Catching Fire

This sequel makes up for a lot of its predecessor’s glaring faults, yet somehow continues to paint its theme in the same unbelievable and contrived fashion. Having survived the Hunger Games, a gladiatorial arena fashioned by a tyrannical society called The Capitol, heroes Katniss and Peeta must deal with their limelight fame from those they…

Review: The Hunger Games

I’m afraid to say it, but The Hunger Games left me starved of intrigue and commitment. Jumping on the Lord of the Rings > Harry Potter > Twilight bandwagon, the film is based off a series of popular books (that I hadn’t heard of until the film arrived) and follows a young girl sent into…