Review: Assassin’s Creed

They somehow made a convoluted video game narrative more convoluted. Set in present day, after being executed by lethal injection, Cal Lynch wakes up at the mercy of a high-tech organisation created to dissolve violent tendencies in humans. They know of an ancient artifact called The Apple of Eden, that can do this, but to…

Review: High-Rise

It is Society Metaphor: The Movie! Doctor Robert Laing is a brain surgeon who moves into a brand new set of advanced high-rise buildings. Little does he know that the people living in his particular building are about to go through social upheaval and class wars similar to the End of Days. Did a horny…

Review: Batman Vs Superman (2D)

Batman Vs Superman has had a difficult development to say the least. After 2013’s Man of Steel decidedly split audiences and with Marvel Studios streaking ahead with its Cinematic Universe, a sequel to Superman’s origin story was halted in favour for a duel with DC’s poster boy (and studio Warner Brothers’s favourite son) Batman. What…

Saga Review: Die Hard

For me the Die Hard series began with the third film, Die Hard with a Vengeance, mostly because I was eleven when it came out, then television showed it later with a censored cut. It would be a little while before the first two would be brought to my attention! So what can you say…