Review: Thor – Ragnarok (2D)

An effective mashing of Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor movies, great fun, colourful and yet with good heart. When Thor returns to Asgard and finds his father Odin to actually be his brother Loki in disguise all along, the Goddess of Death, Hela, is released from her prison and takes over Asgard. Thor and…

Review: Star Trek Beyond (2D)

Star Trek Beyond, for better or worse, takes Trek’s new action orientation and gives it a more traditional feel. We reunite with the crew halfway through their five year mission into deep space, but while their captain and crew are reluctant and tired from the experience they find themselves in the middle of a war…

Saga Review: Riddick

Before The Fast and the Furious came along, Vin Diesel played an iconic part in a little known science fiction thriller Pitch Black. Asides from a bit-part in Spielberg’s Saving Private Ryan and voice work in The Iron Giant, this film projected Diesel into the mainstream as it gained cult status and following. What happened…

Saga Review: Star Trek

Set phasers to kill, this saga review is the biggest yet (a record not likely to be broken for a while!) with all eleven current Star Trek films! While I am not a raging Trekkie, I certainly know a fair amount about the universe; I never watched the 60s Original Series (and I still haven’t,…

Review: Dredd (3D)

Dredd is easily the most underrated genre movie produced in recent years. A visually stunning and faithful adaptation of the ultra-violent comic book series. Far in the future America is a irradiated wasteland, the countries entire populous is now crammed and choking inside concrete jungles. Huge cities, principally Mega City One, are rife with crime and…