Review: Civil War

Neutral territory with underwhelming “shock” tactics. In the near future, the United States of America is gripped in a state of modern civil war. A group of four press journalists and photographers travel across the eastern states to reach the capital for a story. But the transformed landscape and citizens will not make this easy……

Review: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Alongside The Truman Show, this is probably one of my favourite Jim Carrey movies, principally because it isn’t a “Jim Carrey Movie”. A lonely man meets a lonely woman, but when their relationship turns into fights and arguments she has him erased from her memory. When he is embittered to do the same… he immediately…

Saga Review: Spider-Man

I love movies. Comics I’ve never given time to, and as far as Spider-man is concerned you’ll have to forgive some of my ignorance; I’ve heard a lot of theories and followed lots of arguments about why Spider-man needed a reboot or about why the reboot ruined everything. I can only give you my opinion,…