Remake Rumble Review: Beauty and the Beast

I do like Disney films, but when I say “before this review that I’d only seen Beauty and the Beast once before”, I know it will shock many readers! This movie is the darling of a lot of people I know. However, even though I’d only seen it once, I did remember the moment! I…

Review: High-Rise

It is Society Metaphor: The Movie! Doctor Robert Laing is a brain surgeon who moves into a brand new set of advanced high-rise buildings. Little does he know that the people living in his particular building are about to go through social upheaval and class wars similar to the End of Days. Did a horny…

Review: The Girl on the Train

A taut, grim thriller with plenty of twists and turns and great characters. An alcoholic ex-wife takes a train ride daily that passes by her old house. When she sees something unusual happening in one of the next door houses during one particular trip, she starts to investigate. But when secrets and relationships become entangled,…