Review: Poor Things

Beautiful, surreal, hilarious, dark, compelling. So very nearly perfect. Bella Baxter, a creation of a surgeon who creates weird chimera lifeforms, wants to be free of her “father’s” trappings and explore the world. She galivants off with a debauched lawyer, to start a journey of self-discovery. Poor Things has got a lot of coverage and…

Review: Avengers – Infinity War

Well, well, Marvel… you surprised me. You actually did it. While the Avengers splinter apart from each other after the events of the Sokovia Accords, the Asgardian refugee space craft is attacked by none other than Thanos, the mad Titan. The warlord has begun his search for all six Infinity Stones, taking him across the…

Review: Thor – Ragnarok (2D)

An effective mashing of Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor movies, great fun, colourful and yet with good heart. When Thor returns to Asgard and finds his father Odin to actually be his brother Loki in disguise all along, the Goddess of Death, Hela, is released from her prison and takes over Asgard. Thor and…

Review: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Alongside The Truman Show, this is probably one of my favourite Jim Carrey movies, principally because it isn’t a “Jim Carrey Movie”. A lonely man meets a lonely woman, but when their relationship turns into fights and arguments she has him erased from her memory. When he is embittered to do the same… he immediately…

Review: Spotlight

Oscar season this year is sure giving us a lot of intensity isn’t it? A nominee studded cast stars in this grueling true story. Spotlight is an investigative team of journalists working for The Boston Globe. In 2001 they were assigned a special task by their new editor, a task of uncovering the secretive world…

Review: Foxcatcher

A grim tale about some of humanity’s worst, albeit more subtle, traits. Great acting all around but does this story really need to be told? Based off a true story, two brothers are Olympic medal winners in wrestling, but now they are older the youngest brother wants to start out on his own, feeling neglected in his…

Review: Avengers Assemble (2D)

There are four films this year I am banking on being at the top of my list and Avengers Assemble was the lesser. My god this is going to be a good year for movies! Marvel Studios colossal gamble in combining four of their major comic brands into one film was subject to feeling clustered…