Review: Ant-Man & The Wasp

In classic sequel fashion, Ant-Man & The Wasp doubles down on what made the first film so enjoyable. After his adventure into the quantum realm, and under house arrest for aiding rogue superhero Captain America, Scott Lang wants to do right with the people in his life. But when inventor Hank Pym and his daughter…

Review: The Martian (2D)

Director Ripley Scott delivers stunning visuals to accompany this space survivalist flick. Matt Damon plays Mark Watney, an astronaut botanist who takes part in a space mission to the planet Mars, but when their mission is cut drastically short due to a storm, the team lose him and presume him dead. With the crew returning…

Review: Ant-Man (2D)

One of Marvel’s main characters is one of the harder sells, and while Ant-Man isn’t a game changer it has risen above the criticism and difficulties during its development. Hank Pym, a scientist for Shield developed a super particle that compresses the space around atoms, allowing objects to be shrunk down. But when Howard Stark…

Review: Fury

An intensely bleak and frank look at five soldiers lives within the confines of a tank at the final moments of World War Two, Fury doesn’t pull its punches and proves to be one solid war movie. Brad Pitt heads the story as tank “Fury’s” captain Don Collier during the conclusion of World War 2…