Review: Maleficent – Mistress of Evil

As if not adhering to the original, or the fairy tale it was based off, wasn’t enough; this sequel doesn’t even follow its wayward predecessor. It has been five years since the fairy Maleficent defeated the evil King Stephen and saved Princess Aurora from her own curse, but as fate would have it, people still…

Review: mother!

An incredibly traumatising and dark dive into multiple facets of human nature. She is a resourceful wife set about rebuilding her husband’s old house after it was devastated in a fire. The house holds significance with him, a muse to his poetic and creative writing that he has had much success with. But while she…

Review: The Family

A funny, if a little glib, black comedy from one of my favourite directors Luc Besson. Giomatti Manzoni (Robert De Niro) is a husband and father and once respected head of an American mafia clan, only now he and his family find themselves relocated to France under a witness protection scheme. While mafia hitmen look…