Review: The Predator

This film has great posters… Shame the film is utter garbage. As a sequel following (at least) Predator and Predator 2, a ragtag group of mentally unhinged soldiers find themselves up against an alien invader. But what is it doing here on Earth? Do we care? Sorry Predator fans… if you thought 2010’s Predators was…

Review: It (2017)

Now this is mainstream horror done right! Wow. In the city of Derry, several young bullied kids are stalked by a malicious and supernatural force that represents itself as a clown. As children mysteriously vanish, not only do the kids uncover a long history behind the menace but they take it upon themselves to defeat…

Review: The Mummy (2017) (2D)

You’ve probably made up your mind about The Mummy already, but honestly, it a good – and scary – ride! When two US military recon scouts see an opportunity to steal treasure from a village in the Persian gulf, they come across an ancient Egyptian burial ground that is more like a prison than a…

Review: The Mummy (1932)

The Universal Monsters have been around a lot longer than Brendan Fraser. When British archaeologists uncover the tomb of Imhotep, a prince of ancient Egypt condemned to be buried alive, a curse is enacted and brings Imhotep back to life! Now stalking the world, the prince seeks to restore the life of his ancient beloved,…

Review: Colossal

What a unique but strangely awkward experience. Colossal a one-of-a-kind movie. When Gloria, Anne Hathaway, returns to her suburban roots from living in the big city, she not only finds familiar childhood faces but also discovers she is in direct control of a massive monster that materialises in South Korea whenever she enters a play…

Review: Kong – Skull Island (2D)

This reboot of King Kong’s mythology is a springboard for the monster-verse and… it is competent but nothing to write home about. An expedition in the early 1970s to the fabled Skull Island, spotted by satellite technology, goes awry when the expedition is headed by a man looking for revenge on a colossal monster living…

Remake Rumble Review: King Kong (1933, 1976, 2005)

Did you know they made three major King Kong movies? I sure didn’t! With the release of Kong: Skull Island this week I wanted to revisit one of the oldest monsters in movie history and show myself a couple of films I’d never seen before in the process! Rumble in the jungle: let three titans clash!…

Review: A Monster Calls

A surprisingly morose and sad story, old lessons exceptionally well explored. Conor lives with his mother who is slowly dying of cancer. The young boy’s life is a wreckage of bottled emotion and absent father figures and childhood, but when a colossal, fifty foot monster takes an interest in him, Conor is about to learn…

Double Review: Troll

So, with Dreamworks’ Trolls coming out this week, and in the spirit of October, I figured I would watch these famous films also called Troll. I mean… Trolls is a sequel to these right? Like Aliens is to Alien? Right? Right? Nah, I am just trolling. Troll (1986) The infamous eighties fantasy film, perhaps benefited…

Remake Rumble Review: Godzilla

It is ironic that people today moan about action movies having ten, twenty minutes of solid action and destruction; little do they realise that films have been doing this for decades! This is something of a Remake Rumble as well as a saga review. The original Gojira, an American release of the same film Godzilla:…