Review: Transformers – Rise of the Beasts

The Transformers movie franchise really had the quietest renaissance ever, didn’t it? It is an actual shame no one really cares. Following, loosely, after 2018’s prequel Bumblebee, the Autobots are stuck on Earth and in hiding. But when an ancient technological device is recovered by a museum, it could be their ticket back to their…

Review: Pixels (2D)

On the surface, this doesn’t look bad, but as a comedy it just isn’t funny and is a black mark to geek culture. After a probe carrying a video message expressing Human culture is taken as a challenge from alien life, a trio of 1980s gamer nerds become the only hope for Earth’s survival. If…

Saga Review: X-Men (2000 – 2016)

I love my X-Men movies, but it shouldn’t be any surprise to Cinema Cocoa readers that I did not follow the comics… in fact these films were all I knew about them! Let’s not waste any more time, we have six films to go through! X-Men (2000) You know what worries me the most about…