Review: Avengers – Endgame

Earth’s mightiest heroes get to mulligan the last eleven years. The Avengers are broken and Earth is desolate after the events following Thanos’s “snap”, which eliminated fifty percent of the universe’s population. Hopeless, the remaining heroes find one final option to undo what was done… It is almost impossible to talk about this film without…

Review: Avengers – Infinity War

Well, well, Marvel… you surprised me. You actually did it. While the Avengers splinter apart from each other after the events of the Sokovia Accords, the Asgardian refugee space craft is attacked by none other than Thanos, the mad Titan. The warlord has begun his search for all six Infinity Stones, taking him across the…

Review: Captain America – Civil War

Captain America 3 is more like Avengers 2.5, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe becomes truly a running narrative because of it… Steve Rogers, leading the Avengers, continues to cause chaos across the world in a noble cause to stop terrorism, but powers that be have had enough. Spearheaded by Tony Stark, a new initiative is…