Review: RoboCop (2014)

Oh, Hollywood… please stop doing this. Alex Murphy, police officer of Detroit, is fatally injured in a car bomb explosion and is remade as a cybernetic law enforcement robot. The company who made him, OMNICORP, create military robots to battle in the Middle East, but cannot bring such faceless enforcement into American cities without causing…

Review: XXX2 – State of the Union

I had the unfortunate situation of watching one of my favourite television channels all day only for them to put this on. Good god. So I can vaguely remember seeing Vin Diesel’s XXX in the cinema, and what I recall was a brazen attempt at a bigger, bolder, American version of James Bond (it even…

Saga Review: Die Hard

For me the Die Hard series began with the third film, Die Hard with a Vengeance, mostly because I was eleven when it came out, then television showed it later with a censored cut. It would be a little while before the first two would be brought to my attention! So what can you say…

Review: Avengers Assemble (2D)

There are four films this year I am banking on being at the top of my list and Avengers Assemble was the lesser. My god this is going to be a good year for movies! Marvel Studios colossal gamble in combining four of their major comic brands into one film was subject to feeling clustered…