Review: Three Thousand Years of Longing

An intellectual and pleasant experience overall. Our story follows an academic named Alithea, who while traveling the world as a scholar of stories, encounters a djinn trapped in a bottle. What happens when a wish granting creature meets a modern, weary individual without wants or desires? The advertising really, really needs to stop referring to…

Banter: The Last Jedi Predictions

My predictions for The Force Awakens proved reasonably popular, and not wholly inaccurate, so I’d like to try my hand at the second film in this new trilogy. There are two ways of preemptively thinking about The Last Jedi: 1) It is going to be the same story beats as The Empire Strikes Back. 2) Everything…

Review: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2D)

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is a gift to all fans of the franchise and sets an inspiring precedent for Disney and LucasFilm’s efforts. Set before the events of Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope the story sees a young woman, Jyn, roped into the Rebel Alliance due to her connection to the evil…

Banter: A Treatment of Batman Vs Superman

So, it is a regular thing that people discuss the extremely divisive Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice that released in cinemas on the 25th of March. It looks like the critics are seeing a deeply flawed but visually intense movie, but the public audiences generally enjoy it. Whether or not it is good or…