The MCU 30 Ranked (Phases 1 – 4)

People do enjoy a good list, and what’s better to list than every single Marvel Cinematic Universe movie? They certainly are churning them out now, without signs of stopping any time soon. So this list is Phase 1 through Phase 4.Please be aware that many of these films I have only watched once, and I…

Review: Thor – Love and Thunder

One thing is for certain: Marvel Phase 4 certainly is… continuing. Thor finds himself on a journey of self-discovery after the events of the Infinity War, having lost everything dear to him. However, a powerful enemy rises from the dark, proclaimed to be “the god butcher”. Allies have to be found, and one surprisingly arrives…

Review: Avengers – Endgame

Earth’s mightiest heroes get to mulligan the last eleven years. The Avengers are broken and Earth is desolate after the events following Thanos’s “snap”, which eliminated fifty percent of the universe’s population. Hopeless, the remaining heroes find one final option to undo what was done… It is almost impossible to talk about this film without…

Review: Thor – Ragnarok (2D)

An effective mashing of Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor movies, great fun, colourful and yet with good heart. When Thor returns to Asgard and finds his father Odin to actually be his brother Loki in disguise all along, the Goddess of Death, Hela, is released from her prison and takes over Asgard. Thor and…

Review: Avengers – Age of Ultron (2D)

Conquering heroes The Avengers return in their second outing as an ensemble cast. This time they must defend Humanity against a peacekeeping AI developed by Tony Stark after it goes rogue. Is it wrong to say anything negative about a Marvel property these days? *Cinema Cocoa brings up the blast shields* Okay so it is…

Duo Review: Thor & Thor – The Dark World

A fantasy adventure film with plenty of energy and excitement, and keeping with its subtitle it has some surprisingly dark undertones and visuals! Lightning strikes twice today. While Thor does battle across the Nine Realms to restore order, scientist Jane Foster discovers an anomaly on Earth that acts as a doorway to a long forgotten…

Review: Avengers Assemble (2D)

There are four films this year I am banking on being at the top of my list and Avengers Assemble was the lesser. My god this is going to be a good year for movies! Marvel Studios colossal gamble in combining four of their major comic brands into one film was subject to feeling clustered…