Review: Ad Astra

An astronaut must travel on a secret mission to the edge of the Solar System in a bid to save all life as we know it, and perhaps reunite with his estranged father in the process. “Space” movies often fall into two categories, each category with a spectrum with two extremes on either end. The…

Review: Jason Bourne

The perplexingly titled Jason Bourne arrives nine years after the last entry of the series, and honestly, doesn’t deliver anything new. When Nicki, an ex-Treadstone operative, uncovers new secrets about the closed operation and the existence of a new one, she calls on Jason Bourne to look into it. The super agent has all but…

Review: The Family

A funny, if a little glib, black comedy from one of my favourite directors Luc Besson. Giomatti Manzoni (Robert De Niro) is a husband and father and once respected head of an American mafia clan, only now he and his family find themselves relocated to France under a witness protection scheme. While mafia hitmen look…

Review: Lincoln

Steven Spielberg is probably the only man who could take a subject matter as dry as politics and as well known as Lincoln’s victory over the 13th amendment and make it worth watching for over one-hundred and fifty minutes. Daniel Day Lewis gives a powerhouse performance as the United States sixteenth President as he deals…

Trilogy Review: Men in Black

Men in Black You know, when this came out in 1997 I loved it, yet shamefully I have not watched it for years; this film is great! Based off a Marvel Comic (originally Malibu comics) Men in Black follows a New York cop who is enlisted into a secret organisation assembled to protect the public from…

Review: Captain America – The First Avenger

With The Avengers looming and audiences as accepting as they’ll ever be, Marvel saves the most questionable iconic hero for last, yet succeed with a wonderful sense of self awareness. Next to Thor, Captain America is another Marvel hero I have trouble with… I mean we are talking about a superhero who’s defining feature is the…