The Best and Worst Films of 2012

2011 had its fair share of total duds in terms of films, but 2012 has reset the balance with a spectacle of impressive movies! There were a lot from my favourite genres and several returning and recurring franchises that I have enjoyed, so I want to stress how tight the top fifty or so films really…

Trilogy Review: The Hobbit

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (HFR 3D) (2012) The first entry of the Lord of the Rings’ prequel trilogy based off Tolkien’s children’s book proves to be greatly embellished (for better and sometimes worse) but provides excellent spectacle and detailed fantasy adventure. Oh lord, this will be a big review. First, some history. The Hobbit was…

Review: Trick ‘r Treat

What even just happened? So it was Halloween yesterday, and I had one last film for October sitting waiting for me. I couldn’t pass it by, but I knew nothing about this feature directed by X-Men 2 screenwriter Michael Dougherty and produced by X-Men 2 director Bryan Singer! … That sounds like the wrong way…

Review: Skyfall

Skyfall marks a defining moment in the franchise, a make or break decision to scale things down, tighten the characters and their histories, to become more the thinking man’s Bond. The film does not break in the attempt. We find Bond on assignment and liberated from the rage that had once consumed him; he is…

Review: Tetsuo – The Iron Man

So people have asked me, what do I find disgusting or horrific in horror films? You know by now that I roll my eyes at the Saw series, and positively chuckled through Hostel, and for the most part nothing has freaked me out as much as old films and television shows I watched when I…

Review: Tucker and Dale Vs Evil

Why does nobody think about the hillbillies!? That’s what Tucker and Dale Versus Evil asks the viewer as it takes the tired teen slasher horror film and turns it on its head, making a gory but entertaining comedy as two hapless red necks are mistaken as killers by a group of dumb teenagers on vacation….

Review: Sinister

Perhaps it is from railing so hard on Insidious earlier that I went into Sinister with such low expectations that I actually enjoyed it? That isn’t to say it doesn’t have its issues; straight off the bat we have the classic setting of a family moving into a house with a history of grisly murders,…

Review: James Bond (No.21 – No.22)

That’s right, with Skyfall releasing later this year I am opting to give you my thoughts on all of the Bond films! There’s twenty-two films, and when I started this challenge there were twenty-two weeks before Skyfall, sounds good to me! I grew up in the six year drought of Bond films, between the Dalton and Brosnen Eras,…

Review: Insidious

Insidious, more like Insipid. Wow, I’m reminded straight away how October’s horrorfest can really bring out the worst in movies. Nothing is quite as bad as a horror film without any scares! Insidious tries some new concepts and new imagery in a tired genre, but it collapses like a deflating balloon; comical and silly. We…

Saga Review: James Bond (No.17 – No.20)

That’s right, with Skyfall releasing later this year I am opting to give you my thoughts on all of the Bond films! There’s twenty-two films, and when I started this challenge there were twenty-two weeks before Skyfall, sounds good to me! I grew up in the six year drought of Bond films, between the Dalton and Brosnen Eras,…