The MCU 30 Ranked (Phases 1 – 4)

People do enjoy a good list, and what’s better to list than every single Marvel Cinematic Universe movie? They certainly are churning them out now, without signs of stopping any time soon. So this list is Phase 1 through Phase 4.Please be aware that many of these films I have only watched once, and I…

Banter: The MCU 22 – Ranked

Everyone is giving a final rating of the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies as they stand after the events of Avengers: Endgame. Which is a fair assessment to make; there was a definite end to the MCU as we know it, and a total shift of personalities and motivations lie ahead of the franchise now. Admittedly,…

Review: Avengers – Endgame

Earth’s mightiest heroes get to mulligan the last eleven years. The Avengers are broken and Earth is desolate after the events following Thanos’s “snap”, which eliminated fifty percent of the universe’s population. Hopeless, the remaining heroes find one final option to undo what was done… It is almost impossible to talk about this film without…

Review: Captain America – Civil War

Captain America 3 is more like Avengers 2.5, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe becomes truly a running narrative because of it… Steve Rogers, leading the Avengers, continues to cause chaos across the world in a noble cause to stop terrorism, but powers that be have had enough. Spearheaded by Tony Stark, a new initiative is…

Review: Avengers – Age of Ultron (2D)

Conquering heroes The Avengers return in their second outing as an ensemble cast. This time they must defend Humanity against a peacekeeping AI developed by Tony Stark after it goes rogue. Is it wrong to say anything negative about a Marvel property these days? *Cinema Cocoa brings up the blast shields* Okay so it is…

Review: Iron Man 3 (3D)

Stark’s getting too big for his iron clad boots, so big that there’s no room for anyone else! With an advanced, advanced preview I can give you my thoughts on Iron Man 3, and I can tell you right now, you aren’t going to expect half of what happens! (the trailer threw me completely off…

Review: Avengers Assemble (2D)

There are four films this year I am banking on being at the top of my list and Avengers Assemble was the lesser. My god this is going to be a good year for movies! Marvel Studios colossal gamble in combining four of their major comic brands into one film was subject to feeling clustered…