Review: 1917

A hauntingly beautiful, if gruelling ordeal. Sam Mendes’ film is incredible. During the events of The Great War, two young soldiers are given a task: one day to travel across enemy occupied territory to deliver new orders to two battalions. If they fail, sixteen hundred men will be killed. Time is the enemy. Director Sam…

Review: Shazam!

Shazam! drops the DCEU’s grimdark persona completely, picking up a more retro, free-styled screenplay, reminiscent of the 1990s and early 2000s. Billy Batson, an orphan boy in Philadelphia, finds himself chosen by an ancient wizard to become imbued with a godlike powers to protect the world. These powers however, have the side effect of giving…

Review: Kingsman: The Golden Circle

A fun but forgettable spy parody gets a sequel that feels completely unnecessary. Eggsy, as a fully-fledged Kingsman agent, finds the odds stacked against him when a secretive but powerful drug baroness destroys the agency and holds the world hostage, he needs to find allies, new and old, to stop the supervillain. Nobody asked for…

Review: Kingsman – Secret Service

Matthew Vaughn continues his comic book adaptations after Kick Ass and X-Men: First Classwith this bloodied, tongue-in-cheek British spy action movie. A smart British youth who has found himself in hard times after the death of his father, but when an agent of a secret organisation requests he join the service he, and the other…

Review: Before I Go to Sleep

Amnesia! The writer’s best friend comes back to haunt Nicole Kidman in her newest thriller. While the premise has been done before, I still found the film engaging and an overall success. Kidman plays Christine, a woman who every day wakes up with no memory of the last twenty years due to an accident. Her…