Review: X-Men – Dark Phoenix

The first major superhero franchise disappears with a whimper. The new group of X-Men, led by Charles Xavier, have a new danger in their midst; after a rescue mission in space Jean Grey’s powers become fused with an alien power source. With uncontrolled powers, Jean is isolated from everyone, and a mysterious third party reveals…

Banter – Who’s in the suit?

SPOILER WARNING – in BIG BOLD LETTERS – Straight off the bat I want to make very clear that this article is giving away possible key plot points for the Alien franchise as it stands today… and possibly into the future! But I like to make predictions, and this one is the most shot-in-the-dark prediction…

Review: Alien – Covenant

Director Ridley Scott returns to the franchise he created, and boy howdy has he forgotten how to build suspense. The colony ship Covenant, housing over 2,000 people in suspended animation, experiences technical difficulties in its long voyage and at the same time, detects another habitable world and a strange signal originating from it. Looking at a…

Review: Prometheus

It isn’t often I re-review a film, but boy, is Prometheus a strange beast… Set in the not-too-distant future of 2094, a scientific research vessel explores a distant planet in the hopes of discovering the origins of the human race; a race of beings responsible for seeding life on Earth. But when they get there, they…

Review: Assassin’s Creed

They somehow made a convoluted video game narrative more convoluted. Set in present day, after being executed by lethal injection, Cal Lynch wakes up at the mercy of a high-tech organisation created to dissolve violent tendencies in humans. They know of an ancient artifact called The Apple of Eden, that can do this, but to…

Saga Review: X-Men (2000 – 2016)

I love my X-Men movies, but it shouldn’t be any surprise to Cinema Cocoa readers that I did not follow the comics… in fact these films were all I knew about them! Let’s not waste any more time, we have six films to go through! X-Men (2000) You know what worries me the most about…

Review: 300 – Rise of an Empire

It’s time to trim your beards, wear eyeliner, shave off your chest hair and bludgeon and stab people to death in slow motion! With 300: Rise of an Empire, I’ve also reviewed the 2007 Zack Snyder film. 300: Rise of an Empire Here’s a good example of when a director puts his name only to…

Review: Haywire

A somewhat simple, cookie-cutter action thriller but with enough style and a strong female protagonist to make it unique. Haywire follows the story of Mallory Kane, a black ops undercover operative working for the Government, when her life it turned upside down after being betrayed by those around her. The film is extremely simple, you…